Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Wake up!!!

Time just keeps flying by without any thought of it, the seconds whizz by, the minutes roll on, the hours pass, the days disappear and the hands on the clock just keep on turning without stopping. Before you know it, highschool is over, varsity is finished, the kids are getting big, have grown up, the children are married, have moved away and you wonder where all the years have gone!?

One of the things I realise more and more every year is how much I take things for granted! Wise sayings are well known for a reason... "You don't know what you have, until it's gone"... how much do we take for granted every single day, not even realising that all these precious things, moments and people are only here for a season and then they will be gone! And even more so, how much do we have in abundance that we don't even stop to think about or appreciate at all.

I wish that I could freeze time and take note of the beauty and enjoy every precious moment and be thankful for all of the wonderful things God has given to me, and love them in their time, and not only when they are gone!

"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14 In the context of eternity our lives are short! And what James says is true, we don't know what will happen tomorrow! God has given us so much in our short lives, we never even stop to think about much of it, nor about how long these things will be around.

We don't know what tomorrow brings, but God knows. We need to appreciate what he has so lovingly and graciously given to us. We have so much more than we could ever need, yet we don't acknowledge him at all. We don't give him thanks, let alone think about how we can use what he has given us for him!!

It's time to wake up, look around and actually see what's around us! And then remember where it all came from!

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