Monday, 02 April 2012

So it has been a while since I blogged. I have quite a number of posts that are half written, imagine the task of writing a book!
But I always love to go back and read my previous posts because it reminds me that through the ups and downs that God is always at work in my life.

Whether we feel God's presence or not, whether we feel weak or strong, whether we are in a deep valley or soaring on the wings of eagles, God is ever-present. He is always there. He is always working. His patience abounds. And his love evermore.

This weekend I had the privelege of being part of a beautiful and very special wedding! I could tell you about the stunning bride, and boy was she looking amazing!, or the smart groom. I could tell you about the delicious chocolate cake (that I only got a few bites of mind you, before we were whisked away for photos), or the apple strudel that was made while we were watching, or the deathly divine chocolate mousse, whaaat!? I love chocolate ok! ;) I could tell you about the crazy fun times with old and new friends, making memories and then ripping up the dance floor. Yes I could tell you about all that and so much more! But what I really want to tell you about is about is God in a wedding.

In this couple God orchestrated the most beautiful love story from their meeting to their wedding day. Some people say how can God be concerned with the minor details of life, yet I have seen it play out. Two people that love him and his hand guiding them. The speeches were a testimony of their character and love for God and people. And the best man summed it up an an apt sentence, and I paraphrase,"The world is a better place now that the two of you are together".

That got me to thinking... is the world a better place for having me in it, am I a blessing to those around me? Is my love for God evident in my life? And is my love for people obvious?
Yes! Not to those questions, but Yes! God is at work in my life and in my heart even in the midst of a happy and beautiful wedding because two people said "I do".

Photo by Craig Mannheim
Unprecedented Pictures